Twenty eight days, isn't that a movie??
I'll get right to it ... it has been a rough week! As most of you can agree with - being stuck in the house (and I mean stuck - as in NOT leaving) is rough. The hubby was out of town for the week so the girls and I honkered in and stayed put in the foot of snow. I didn't do horribly but after day two I was suddenly out of my 'greens' and found myself lost! Then I got hungry, then I got crabby, then I was going stir crazy with cabin fever - you get the picture. I all of the sudden was back to way I used to eat - and that is not bad by any means and as good as it tasted (the homemade pizza one night was melting in my mouth) it wasn't good in the long run. I was tired again, didn't have the energy I was used to and hungry all of the time. The yummies that I was eating - weren't so yummy all of the sudden. So ... that is the bad and ugly part of everything.
Here is the better part, the Good of the week. My friend who you all have heard about (and who is doing AMAZING by the way with her eating habits) got her blood results back and they were GREAT! I would give you specifics - but I may incorrectly report them to you ... but I can tell you that her Dr. is slowly reducing her medications which is HUGE! Praise God, that is amazing news! All of the sudden, that homemade pizza didn't seem really worth it.
Here is what I learned from this crazy week ... 1) I am over the snow 2) faith can move mountains (with a little bit of greens to help out!) and 3) to be realistic about my raw eating. If I have to have a few bites on the weekends of something yummy that I am craving - it's okay because it usually ends up for the better in the end. BUT, if I don't give in to them ... I may end up a falling off the cliff!
Here's to NO SNOW this week and a week of greens and more!