Day ONE of cleansing is almost to an end ...
I have to admit - this was not an easy day! I woke up excited to start this and that is half the battle ...
I had my green lemonade for breakfast and was off to the races. I dropped the kids off at school and headed to the gym - I felt really good but was hungry as can be afterward. I even tried to go through McDonald's for a smoothie but their machine was being cleaned. I think I had a brief moment where I wanted to crawl through the intercom and find the person responsible for this! I quickly composed myself and filled my water bottle. Did you know that you can order one of the fruit smoothies from McD's without the dairy and it's raw?? Brilliant.
The rest of day was full of green smoothies. I know that body is thanking me for this but my tummy is wanting some of those bad yummies so it's been a battle that I will win. One hour at a time, one meal at a time, one day at a time.
I am ready for bed - maybe it's because I am tired but also ready for Day TWO!
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