Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Day Three - I ♥ Green Smoothies!

I promise I won't bore you (or myself) writing every day ... I'll keep this short and sweet and be back in a few days to give a solid report.  This really isn't bad and I can't tell you how GREAT I feel! I am realizing how much I overeat during the day - and I eat relatively healthy!  The hubby is out of town which has helped with dinners (no pressure for cooking ... yet ) and he'll be my deciding factor on how the past 6 days will have been without seeing him.  I am sure he will say I am glowing and radiant  ... ! Let's hope, right!

I juiced it in the morning - took the kiddos to the library so ate a plain yummy salad there and ate my veggies and brown rice for dinner and I was FULL!  Ok, not full but satisfied ☺

A few tidbits as I have gotten some q's (YEA!).  My favorite book has been THE RAW FOOD DETOX DIET by Natalia Rose (again...Thanks to Julie Pelaez for that), she has a realistic approach to eating raw and makes it a lifestyle change that is a gradual process.  Highly suggest it ... even if you don't want to go raw - it tells you how to properly combine your foods for good digestion.  Basically, learning how to eat all over again.  Something I found completely entertaining!  And the numerous recipes are Y-U-M!  I have a list of others if anyone is interested but that was the best so far - 

I read somewhere 'health is the thing that makes you feel now is the best time of the year' - it's the very beginning of 2011 so hopefully the best time of the year is ALL year! 

1 comment:

  1. Oh silly me...I didn't know you started a blog. Go Erin Go. I love that you are on the raw journey. It is Amazing and there are SO MANY REASONS to be and stay raw. I look forward to reading your adventure. Big love and green smoothie kisses. xoxo
